Germinating Posts

We have so many ideas for blog posts, so we wanted to share them with you to keep you tuned in! If you're interested in any of these topics, consider subscribing to our blog by typing your email address into the box under the welcome sign at the left of this screen. This will give you updates whenever we post something new on our blog. Below are some of the posts you will see in the near future:

  • Gardening 101 - USDA Hardiness Zones: What zone do you live in? We'll fill you in on an important aspect of choosing plants that will be happy in your garden long term.
  • Gardening 101 - "Setting the Scene for Your Garden": From previous posts you've learned about annuals and perennials, and which USDA hardiness zone you live in - knowing about the location where you will plant before choosing plants is the last step to starting a successful garden!
  • Container Gardening: No yard? No problem. If you have a balcony or a sunny window, you can have a garden. Read this post to discover how to choose your plants, and how to set up your container garden.
  • Veggie Garden: We'll discuss our plans for our backyard veggie garden and post progress updates.
  • Container Veggies:  Growing fruits, veggies, and herbs in a container in limited space. 
  • Awesome (Indianapolis) Gardening Resources: We'll give you a list of organizations in the area that promote gardening and gardening "know-how", as well as a list of our favorite independently owned nurseries in the area (their staff really know their stuff!).
  • Miniature Gardens - Terrariums: A super simple and easy to take care of way to bring plant life into your living space!
  • Can't Miss Indy Gardens: An ever growing list and descriptions of beautiful places to make sure you see in the Indianapolis area.
  • Water Gardens: Follow our "how to" water garden guide. We'll be focusing on container water gardens that would be a great addition to any garden, or even an apartment balcony. We'll show you how to set up your water garden, choose plants, and give you tips on care and maintenance!
  • "What's In a Name?"  Did you know that most plants have at least two names? Find out what the two different kinds of names are, and which one will make you sound like a gardening smartypants.
  • Downton Abbey Gardens: Okay, Ashley will readily admit she is a HUGE Downton Abbey fan, and would love to share her thoughts on the gardens in the show and how to replicate them at home.
  • All About Bird Houses: A super easy DIY project to encourage visits from our feathered friends (info on how to attract specific species as well!).
  • Chickens and Chicken Coops: We are getting chickens! Share our journey with us and help us choose which breed of chickens we should get.  Also follow our progress as we build a chicken coop.
  • Indoor Seed Starting: Follow our tips on starting plants from seeds and check out our indoor greenhouse!
  • Toad Abodes: Yup. It is what it sounds like - how to create homes to encourage amphibious garden residents. 
  • Chickens or Quails? We debate the benefits of having one or the other, and encourage you to pitch in!
  • Giant Hymenoptera: Friend or Foe? No, it's not one of Godzilla's nemeses. We have many of these winged beasts in our area and in this post we'll demystify these creatures.
  • Garden Spotlights: Periodically we will post stories and pictures of the planting endeavors of some of our friends!
  • Which Anti-Pest Home Remedies Actually Work? A scientific approach to preventing mold growth in terrarium succulents.

If there are any topics you would like to learn about please comment below or send us an email.

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